Papers & Presentations

NZ Land Treatment Collective conference papers


Implications of Climate Change for Land Treatment Hamish Lowe

Lake Coleridge - 20 years on Brian Ellwood

Combining site testing and technology for discharge resilience Katie Beecroft, Brian Ellwood, Hamish Lowe, Cathy Campbell

Effect of storage and nitrogen removal efficiency on nitrate leaching from land treatment systems Sam Morris and Hamish Lowe


Guidelines of beneficial use of organic materials on productive land – an update Maria J Gutierrez Gines, Katie Beecroft


Foxton wastewater challenges Phil Lake


The conundrum facing wastewater discharges - surface water or land Hamish Lowe

Construction and Commissioning of the Shotover Delta DAD system Rob Potts


Implications of climate change on land treatment systems Hamish Lowe, Jane Petch, Katie Beecroft

Determination of land suitability for wastewater irrigation using a multi-layered GIS aproach Katie Beecroft, Angela Lane, Sian Cass

DAD – an Innovative Dose and Drain Land Dispersal System Rob Potts


Kaikoura Emergency Response and Recovery - How Resilient is your Wastewater System Rob Potts, Steff Toemmers

Small Community Collective Biosolids Strategy - Lower North Island Jacqui Horswell, Hamish Lowe, Katie Beecroft, Jennifer Prosser, Virginia Baker, Jamie Ataria, Rob Potts, Peter Hill, Grant Northcott, Brett Robinson


On-site Wastewater Training – Where at we at? Jane Petch, Hamish Lowe and Brett Marais

On-site Effluent Testing - Where to from here – We can’t sit stool Rob Potts

Enhancing beneficial re-use of biosolids: A practical guide to community engagement Jacqui Horswell, Virginia Baker, Peter Hill, E. R. (Lisa) Langer, , James Ataria, Alan Leckie, Joanna Goven and Hamish Lowe

Groundwater Monitoring: Are we getting the full picture? Katie Beecroft Hamish Lowe, Sian Cass

When Good Goes Bad: How many land treatment systems operate as intended? Hamish Lowe

How much municipal waste passes through land in New Zealand? Sian Cass, Hamish Lowe


Wastewater Treatment and Land Treatment in Highly Variable Holiday Locations - Case Studies of Two Queenstown Lakes Projects Rob Potts, Brent Hawthorn, Melanie Heather

High Rate Land Application as a Solution for Seasonality Katie Beecroft, Hamish Lowe, Sian Cass


Marrying Together Wastewater Application & Land Management in a Nutrient Sensitive Catchment Rob Potts
Combined Land and Water Discharge: Optimising Environmental Outcome for the Discharge Environment Katie Beecroft, Hamish Lowe
Monitoring Pathogens on Pasture Derived from Treated Wastewater & Biosolids Application Sian Cass, Hamish Lowe


Should Your Community Use Land Treatment & How Much of it? Hamish Lowe, Katie Beecroft, Erin Ganley
It's All Good - Beneficial Biosolids Use in Practice Sarah Smith, Rob Potts, Katie Beecroft
Combined Land Treatment & Land Dispersal - The Way Forward Rob Potts
Understanding Groundwater in Land Treatment Systems Katie Beecroft, Hamish Lowe, Erin Ganley


Small Community Sewer Retrofits; Are There Any Lessons? Hamish Lowe, Peter Hill, Katie Beecroft
Small Community Wastewater System Design '“ Balancing Stakeholder Interests Katie Beecroft, Hamish Lowe, Peter Hill
The Contract is Harder
Peter Hill, Hamish Lowe, Katie Beecroft


Combined land and water discharges - the way of the future? Hamish Lowe, Jon Roygard, Katie Beecroft


A process for identifying land suitable for land based treatment of wastewater on erodable slopes Sharn Hainsworth, Katie Beecroft, Hamish Lowe, Alistair Broughton
Development of a hydraulic regime for land treatment of municipal wastewater on erosion prone slopes
Katie Beecroft, Hamish Lowe, Sharn Hainsworth, Alistair Broughton
Caring dairying - An opportunity to enhance sustainable dairy farm management
Hamish Lowe, Hugh Jellie, Jenny Massey, Jeremy Savage


What is our problem with water reuse: How other countries do it? Hamish Lowe
Treatment of farm effluents in New Zealand's dairy operations
N.S. Bolan, S. Laurenson, H. Lowe, J. Luo, P.H.Hill, J. Sukias


Determining minimum lot areas for sustainable on-site wastewater discharge Jaye Hill, Hamish Lowe
Wastewater discharge options for Queenstown - trials and tribulations Rob Potts, Martin O'Malley
What do we really know about how our domestic wastewater is treated? Barry Lynch, Hamish Lowe
Research Priorities in the field of land application Jacqui Horswell, Hamish Lowe, Alison Lowe


Movement of phosphorus in soil at the Rotorua land treatment system Huirong Hu, Hailong Wang, Katie Beecroft, Guna Magesan, Nanthi Bolan
The sustainable management of sewage wastewater irrigation to pasture Seth Laurenson, Nanthi Bolan, David Horne, Iris Vogeler, Hamish Lowe
Overview of current research projects in the field of land application Jacqui Horswell, Hamish Lowe
Facelift for cheese plant - Puhoi soil hydraulic experience John Lavery, Hamish Lowe
Retrofitting a decentralised system: the Waipatiki experience Hamish Lowe, Jaye Hill, Keith Peacock, Brent Hawthorn, Rachel Landon


Wastewater treatment and land treatment at Jack's Point development Queenstown Rob Potts, Ken Gousmett
Developing regional policy for on-site wastewater systems - problems to be addressed Hamish Lowe, James Li
Fractionation and mobility of phosphorus in a sandy forest soil amended with biosolids Jingjun Su, Hailong Wang, Katie Beecroft, Guna Magesan, Chengxiao Hu, Mark Kimberley, Michael Schruer


A risk management framework for land treatment systems James Li, Hamish Lowe

Farmed Landcscapes Research Centre (FLRC) workshop proceedings


Matching soils and irrigation automation for sustanable use of wastewater Brian Ellwood


A new opportunity for intensive farming using wastewater to improve the environment Hamish Lowe, Phil Lake


Conceptual framework to enable coordinated solutions for climate change and water quality Brian Ellwood


Incorporating Biosolids and Wastewater as a Soil Amendment into Nutrient Budgets and the Associated Environmental Management Considerations Brian Ellwood, Britt Paton, Hamish Lowe & Sian Cass

How to get more Bang for your Buck from mitigation installations that reduce contaminants entering waterways Sian Cass, Hamish Lowe


The Conundrum of realising fertiliser benefits of wastewater for greater sustainability - opportunity v reality Hamish Lowe, Sian Cass, Jacqui Horswell and Cameron Mars


Overcoming Challenges in Modelling Nutrient Losses from a Non-Traditional Indoor Dairy Production Unit Hamish Lowe, Sarah Smith

Feasibility Study Supported by Ministry for Primary Industries

Feasibility of using nutrient-rich wastes in nurseries and for managing sites with exotic and native plantings Jo Cavanagh and Robyn Simcock, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research; Simeon Smaill and
Jianming Xue, Scion; Hamish Lowe and Jen Prosser, Lowe Environmental Impact; Maria J. GutiérrezGinés, ESR; Brett Robinson, University of Canterbury

Local Government magazine LEI Article prepared for April 2012 edition

Greywater - Part of a water and sewage saving solution Katie Beecroft, Hamish Lowe, Jacqui Horswell, Alma Siggins

Water Quality Improvement in the Waiwiri Catchment
LEI has been working with Horowhenua District Council and research scientists from ESR and Canterbury University on an exciting project to improve water quality in the Waiwiri catchment.

Water Quality Improvement in the Waiwiri Catchment research outputs

LEI Publications